April Update

April Update

Tooling fixes, tracker and body tracking update below:

Hello etee Fans,

We have a deep dive update relating to our manufacturing and final tooling.  We are nearing the finish line making small refinements and correcting manufacturing flaws to ensure the best possible experience. 

Manufacturing issues and updates

  1. The clips tooling were off which will cause mass-production and assembly issues and effect final product quality. The red tabs wouldn't properly close so need to be retooled. Otherwise the tracker casing might come apart in vigorous play like Beat Saber. We've received numerous questions about integrity of the tracker and etee for high speed movements, so we are taking extra time to make this right.
  1.  Moulding texturing refinement: White marks on the LED lens 
  1.  Tooling mark refine polish: LED light and the effect provides is a key aesthetic that our backers appreciate. The LED light needs to be clear and vibrant. It's a small thing, but your enjoyment of our product is in the little things. We want your experience with etee to be perfect.
  •  Button Cap: We were unhappy with how the paint gets into the gap losing the high-quality finish

  • We are doing further tuning on the polymer colour

It will take some time to ensure the manufacturer corrects the below issues, well keep you updated as we wrap-up these mistakes.   

Tracker Update

Successful configuration and test within VR chat: still require further tuning to make it seamless for both controller tracking and body tracking.

We know you are as excited as we are to see the final product and appreciate your patience!  We are working closely with the manufacturing team to ensure we have a flawless finish and using the extra manufacturing time to get and refine our software and firmware functionality. 

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

-The etee Team

Follow us on social and spread the word!

IG: @TG0_tech  |  Twitter: @TG0info  |  FB: @TG0info

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